Welcome to St. Edward the Confessor Religious Education
Welcome to St. Edward the Confessor Religious Education

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

                                                                                                                                                                   --Mark 10:14

St. Edward the Confessor Religious Education

2 Teibrook Avenue

Syosset, NY 11791



Office Phone:  516-921-8543

Email:  Mrs. Rosemary Pettei, Director for Grades 1-6, rpettei@st-edwards.org

              Mrs. Maureen Carroll, Director for Grades 7-8, mcarroll5571@stedwardconfessor.org

              Mrs. Ann Braun, Administrative Assistant, abraun@st-edwards.org

September Office Hours


Monday through Thursday:  11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Friday through Sunday:  CLOSED


Due to holidays and vacations, our hours may vary.

Please call before visiting the Religious Education Office.

A Parent's Prayer


Loving God, you are the giver of all we possess, the source of all our blessings.  We thank and we praise you.


Thank you for the gift of our children.


Help us to set boundaries for them, and yet encourage them to explore.  Give us the strength and courage to treat each day as a fresh start.


May our children come to know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.  May your Holy Spirit help them to grow in faith, hope, and love, so they may know peace, truth, and goodness.


May their ears hear your voice.  May their eyes see your presence in all things.  May their lips proclaim your Word.  May their hearts be your dwelling place.  May their hands do works of charity.  May their feet walk in the way of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord.

