Welcome to St. Edward the Confessor Religious Education
Welcome to St. Edward the Confessor Religious Education

2023 Confirmation Photos

The Sacrament of Confirmation was celebrated on Saturday, November 11.

Our Confirming Bishop was The Most Reverend Robert J. Coyle.



May God Bless our Newly Confirmed and their families.

Here are instructions on how to navigate through the photo galleries:


  1. Click on the link below for your Confirmation Mass.
  2. To download a photo, move the mouse cursor to the bottom right of the photo and click the underscored down-arrow.
  3. You will be prompted to save the photo file.  Save it to your hard drive, flash drive, or wherever you choose.  You may download as many photos as you wish.
  4. Note that these photo galleries are not available indefinitely.  Please do not wait too long to save your photos.

Need help?

Email Ann Braun at abraun@st-edwards.org or call 516-921-8543.


Josephine Rose Photography Photo Gallery

for the 11:00 AM Confirmation Mass:




Josephine Rose Photography Photo Gallery

for the 2:30 PM Confirmation Mass:

