Welcome to St. Edward the Confessor Religious Education
Welcome to St. Edward the Confessor Religious Education

Grade 8 Class Bakes Cookies for the

Families of Sick Children

Ronald McDonald House, New Hyde Park

Monday, February 10, 2025


Thanks to Ms. Laria, her Grade 8 students, and to the parents for their help.

The cookies are left in the kitchen for the family members staying at Ronald McDonald House to snack on and enjoy as they come back from hospital visits with their children.

2024 Christmas Pageant and Parties


Thank you to all those who shared their photos!


And thanks to Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus for stopping by to wish us a

Merry Christmas.

Week of Sunday, December 15

Grade 5 and 6 Sandwich-Making Service Project

Sunday, December 8, 2024


Our fifth and sixth grade students and their families make sandwiches for the

St. Edward Food Pantry, Helping Hand Rescue Mission, and Tri-CYA.

Many thanks to the Parents and Catechists who shared their photos!

Grade 3 Class Donates to the Food Insecure

Thanksgiving Week, 2024


Many thanks to Mrs. Richter and Mrs. Palczewski's Thursday students

for collecting and donating food to those in need.

Grade 1 and 2 Sandwich-Making Service Project

Sunday, November 17, 2024


Our first and second grade students and their families make sandwiches for the

St. Edward Food Pantry, Helping Hand Rescue Mission, and Tri-CYA.

Many thanks to the Parents and Catechists who shared their photos!

Grade 3 and 4 Sandwich-Making Service Project

Sunday, October 27, 2024


Our third and fourth grade students and their families make sandwiches for the

St. Edward Food Pantry, Helping Hand Rescue Mission, and Tri-CYA.

Many thanks to the Parents and Catechists who shared their photos!

Grade 7 Class Served Dinner to the Residents of the

Glen Cove Men's Shelter at the First Presbyterian Church

March 18, 2024


Many thanks to the generosity of our Catechist, Ms. Laria, for donating the dinner!

Our Students Donate to "The Nest" at Nassau Community College

November, 2023


Our young parishoners donated clothes, food, and their time to those in need.

Memories from 2020 through 2022

Island Harvest Food Donation

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Our young parishoners coordinated the donation of hundreds of pounds of food to

Island Harvest Food Bank.  Great job, kids!

2020 Mardi Gras Celebration

Tuesday, February 25

Our most heartfelt thanks to all those volunteers who helped make Mardi Gras a success!

"Solomon's Temple"  Built by Mrs. Laura Archbold's Class

Grade 6, Tuesday


"During Solomon's time as king, Israel was richer than it had ever been before.  To showcase Israel's power and success, Solomon began a great building program.  This program was designed to strengthen the country's defenses and to beautify it's cities, especially Jerusalem.  The most important of these building projects involved the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem."


Truly a work of art, grade 6!  Nice job!

Hospital Heroes Bagel Breakfast

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


A "thank you" to our Heroes at Long Island Jewish Hospital.  Alexandra, Sophia and Daniella Asaro (a third grade teaching-team) and our third grade families provided a Bagel Breakfast for the doctors, nurses and staff at LIJ.


The Asaros would like to thank the families who donated, the children for their beautiful and encouraging cards and posters, and Bagel Master for their generous contribution.


Religious Education would like to thank Alexandra, Sophia and Daniella Asaro for a "good idea" and for their hard work in arranging the breakfast:  Contacting the families, collecting donations, coordinating with Bagel Master and the hospital, and finally delivering the 20 bagel platters to our Hospital Heroes!