Welcome to St. Edward the Confessor Religious Education
Welcome to St. Edward the Confessor Religious Education

2024-2025 Classroom Rules


Parents are not allowed into the school building as per current school security guidelines.


Dress for class should be modest and respectful.  No short-shorts or midriff/crop tops for girls.  No pajamas or slippers.


Food is not allowed in the classroom.  However, students may bring water bottles.


Grade 1 through 6 students need to bring the following to class every week:  Religion Workbook, Folder, and Pencil Case (with pen, pencil, small box of crayons, scissors and glue stick).  Put your student's name on his/her belongings.


Grade 7 and 8 students need to bring their Religion Workbook and a pen or pencil to class.


Please remind your child not to touch, mark or write on anything that doesn’t belong to him/her.


Students are to be respectful and kind to their Catechist and to each other.  Bullying and disrespectul behavior is not tolerated in our program.


Cell phones are to be turned off and put away in back packs, bags, or pockets during class time.  If you need to contact your child in an emergency, call the Religious Education Office at 516-921-8543.  A staff member will deliver your message.


If there is a problem with a student or Catechist in the class, please advise the Director.


Absences must be reported to the OFFICE either via an email (abraun@st-edwards.org) or a telephone call (516-921-8543 x124).  If you wish, you may mention the absence to the Catechist, but you still must inform the Religious Education Office.  Please give a reason for the absence in your email or via telephone. Students are expected to complete the weekly chapter at home.


Inclement weather closings will be announced via News12, a text-message to parents subscribed to our text message service, and emails.


Arrival/Dismissal Policies and Procedures:  Click here to view Arrival/Dismissal Procedures


Please use extreme caution in the parking lot, as there are many children coming to and from the school building.